• Every type of customer you’ll come across working in a café

    A couple of months ago I moved over to the café section of my workplace. Despite not being there long, I’ve come across so many different characters, some warm and lovely, some not quite so lovely…!! No matter which area you work in, we’ve all been there! So for today’s post I compiled all the different types of customers I have come across in the café I work in.

    The fussy one

    “Hi! Can I get a half shot, vanilla, decaff soya café latte, but with half the milk, and extra vanilla?”
    Someone asked me a while back for “a bacon roll, but without the roll”

    The Chatty One

    I’d love to stay and chat, but I have 5 other customers staring at me, waiting to be served. How do I say that without being rude?!

    The Regular

    Ah, I know your order. It’s all fun and games until an unfamiliar customer says, “my usual.” Umm… Remind me?

    The Complainer

    “I’ve been waiting for half an hour for my food.”
    No, it’s been 10 minutes. This really happens.

    The Unprepared

    “Okay, that will be £4.95 please.”
    “Oh!” *starts counting out small change*

    The Impatient

    “Coffee please. I’m in a hurry. Is it done yet?”

    The Messy ones

    The pain of watching your beautiful latte art being spilt the minute it leaves you.


    Lifestyle Blogger based in Devon.
    I like to write, drink tea and read great books.

    PR – admin@diagonalstripes.co.uk

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