Stuck inside with nothing to do? Can’t find anything to entertain yourself? We’ve all been there – especially since lockdown. You seem to have watched everything there is to watch. Everything you can think of doing, you’ve already done. This post will help give you some new ideas on how to beat boredom, and inspire you to do something you perhaps haven’t tried before.
Beat Boredom With TikTok
You’ve probably heard of the video based app TikTok by now – it has taken the world by storm with over 2 billion downloads on the App Store. With 80% of its users between 16 – 34, it is generally targeted at a younger demographic. However, don’t be put off if you’re older than this! I have only started using TikTok recently (losing many hours of my day at once) and due to the huge amount of users on the platform, you’re guaranteed to find a niche on there that you’re interested in.
If you’ve never used TikTok before, it’s basically a social media app for videos. You can create your own videos with the huge amount of different effects and filters there are to offer, or simply just watch other’s videos and be entertained. TikTok gets to know your preferences with what content you watch the most, and then targets videos on your page that you’re most likely to enjoy.
Online Gaming
I used to play a lot of games when I was younger and really enjoyed them so I’ve tried to get back in to playing more recently. I came across a website called which I have been using the most for online gaming because there’s so many free games on there to choose from without having to wait for ads.
The game I have been playing the most recently is Flight Sim – you have to land planes in the correct places without them colliding. It sounds much easier than it is! My planes kept bumping in to each other, which makes you lose and have to start again which I did multiple times. It got to the point where I couldn’t get off of the game until I completed the level, it became SO addicting and I was getting so frustrated with myself that I couldn’t do it! Before I knew it, half an hour had passed. Definitely a good way to beat boredom if you need something to do!

If this game isn’t your bag, then they have over 100 different games in several different categories, such as arcade and retro. They also have a little guide that you can see before you play with instructions and how difficult it is, etc. This would be super helpful if you’re looking at games for children (or just not very good, like me!)
Learn Something New
Whatever it is that you’d like to learn about, there’s probably a YouTube video about it! In the last few months, I took up embroidery and YouTube tutorials helped me out so much with this. You don’t have to leave the house to pick up supplies, though, why not try out some yoga or beginner Spanish classes from home?
I have a yoga matt that has been sat in the cupboard for quite a few months now! I found this tutorial which I’d quite like to try out sometime soon.
My Audible Subscription is a god send when I’m trying to beat boredom. Not only do you get to choose a book each month, there are so many free extras such as podcasts and mini series. My favourite at the moment is Real Crime, a 10 part series, which is totally free for members. I have written a separate post with some more information about Audible which you can check out here.

Beat Boredom By Hosting A Live Stream
Live Streaming has gained so much popularity recently, especially as we haven’t been able to leave the house! It provides such a level of interaction that you can’t really achieve with other methods of social strategies – it has even been reported as the number 1 method of increasing engagement. You can live stream about literally anything, but some of the more popular niches include music, gaming (why not try out the games above and stream it?) and hosting Q&A’s.
Social media has made it much easier for us to live stream now, you can try on socials such as FaceBook, TikTok or Youtube. There are also websites that are primarily for streaming such as Twitch or Periscope that you can use for free.

Hopefully this post has helped you beat boredom and inspire you to try out something new. If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to drop a comment and give it a share.. and as always, thank you for supporting my blog.

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