• Finishing My Access Course // Life Update

    If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ll probably have noticed that I have slightly abandoned my little corner of the internet (very sadly). This has been mainly due to me prioritising my access course to ensure I can attend university this September. However, today marks the day that I submit my final assignment (eeek) with moderation in the coming days. To say I’m nervous is an understatement, but I’m trying to stay positive! It’s really crazy to me that I will not know what the next 3 years of my life will hold until 2 or 3 weeks before it happens; not having that control to plan anything really unnerves me but realistically, there’s nothing that can be done about that, so I will just have to continue being patient.

    I haven’t actually written a*full* blog post for almost a whole year, which is really crazy as it’s something I enjoy so much. I have obviously have had many guests posts published by other writers to ensure my blog doesn’t become stagnant (anything without my name at the bottom wasn’t written by me) but I’m really excited to get back in to writing and take more ownership of the content that I am publishing on my website.

    Reading a book by the beach
    Reading Undying – Michael Faber on Budleigh beach in the sweltering Devon heat!

    I am extremely lucky to have the next 4 or 5 weeks off to relax after some intense study sessions, and get myself organised for university. This will of course leave me plenty time to get my blog back to where it used to be, and ensure I maintain something I’m really proud of. I have some really exciting collaborations coming up which I can’t wait to share with everyone. In the meantime, I am going to catch up on some reading and sort out my study room to make it into a cozy space ready for the autumn. I am so ready for hot chocolate and candles and hats!

    I felt like I owed an explanation to my blog and those who read it to explain where I’ve been and provide a little life update as I’d hate for anyone to think I’d forgotten about it. I love writing and creating and documenting far too much to give it up any time soon. There’s much more to come…


    Lifestyle Blogger based in Devon.
    I like to write, drink tea and read great books.

    PR – admin@diagonalstripes.co.uk