• My first post on this new little blog…


    Welcome to my first post on my first ever blog! I’ve been wanting to do this for years yet I’ve only just plucked up the courage! Yay!!

    If you’re reading this, then thank you. We can be friends. I like you. Because when I’m unsure what to say, you’ll realise, I ramble. So I’ll tell you a little about myself. <!–more

    I am a normal girl in her early twenties that works in a little café. I’ve always loved writing, and reading other people’s blogs so I thought I’d give it go. Now I’m working part time, this blog is a way to get all the bits out of my crazy little head. It’s merely a hobby (but I hope you can get some entertainment/useful bits from it nonetheless)

    What can I expect from this blog?
    My main hobbies are reading, arts and crafts and baking so a lot of my posts will be related to these, with a few random bits thrown in I’m sure!
    I have a milk and yeast allergy so a very high percentage of the recipes I post will be plant based/vegan. However I will always include alternatives for people wishing to include milk so don’t be put off by this :p

    I am loving my books at the moment, so I will be posting frank book reviews. If you have any suggestions then let me know as I love finding books I wouldn’t usually read!

    My blogging goals
    As mentioned earlier, this new blog is mainly a hobby for me. However, I would be willing to collaborate with companies or bloggers that match my demographic! I am very open minded so if you are interested in working with me then visit the contact page where all my details are displayed.


    Lifestyle Blogger based in Devon.
    I like to write, drink tea and read great books.

    PR – admin@diagonalstripes.co.uk

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