I do miss the warmth of summer, there is something so lovely about sitting on the beach and relaxing by the sea. However the thought of being wrapped up in blanket with a candle on, listening to the rain outside makes me even happier – I feel so protected from the world, and like it’s a little more acceptable to do nothing…
For day 3 of Blogtober, I felt it would be lovely to share all the things I love about Autumn. I think it’s a wonderful season with so many beautiful colours and I really do look forward to it every year!
Autumn Baking
I love baking anyway, but watching bake off every week makes me soo hungry & I always get inspired by the beautiful things they make. I can’t wait to make cakes with autumnal things on and little Halloween biscuits!
As I said in the intro, I love the sound of rain falling – something about it is so calming and reassuring. Being out in it is not as much fun mind but at least I can wear my new raincoat 🙈
Cute Outfits

Autumn dresses look so cute in my opinion and I’d live in boots all year round if I could.
Christmas Build Up
I know I’m bringing Christmas in to the mix (once again) but I like to be super organised with my Christmas shopping, I recently bought my first wrapping paper for this year and it made me a bit happier than it should’ve 😂
Obviously, Halloween goes without saying in Autumn! I wish I was still at an acceptable age to go trick or treating.
Hot Chocolate

Even typing this makes me crave hot chocolate. Mmmm. The thought of a cold evening with a hot water bottle and a tasty drink fills me with warm fuzzy joy.
Bonfire Night

When I was growing up we always did something for bonfire night and I don’t think the excitement has left me as I’ve grown up! I love the pretty colours of fireworks and how the heat just hits you next to the bonfire. I honestly can’t wait. 😍
Autumnal Walks In The Leaves

I bought these boots 🥾 last autumn and they’ve done me so well on lovely walks amongst the falling leaves! I took this down at Exeter quay which is one of my favourite walks.
Great TV & Movies
I don’t know why but it seems that all the good TV is always aired in the autumn. Plus, if it’s horrid weather then what better excuse to have a duvet day with a great movie?
Pumpkin carving

I am so excited to *attempt* some pumpkin carving again this year. I say attempt because every time I’ve done it previously it has been an incomprehensible design, but it’s still fun right?!
I hope you have enjoyed reading the 3rd post in my blogtober series. Let me know by commenting below what your favourite things around this season are!

autumn autumn outfits autumn wardrobe Baking beauty beauty blogger benefit blogger blogtober book blogger books clothing haul face mask fall fashion fashion blogger femme luxe blogger review femme luxe clothing femme luxe dress femme luxe review fiction foundation halloween halloween outfits Lifestyle lifestyle blog lifestyle blogger lush lush review lush skincare make up new blog pumpkin reader reading recipe review romance seasons skincare vegan vegan desserts what to do in lockdown what to do in self isolation young adult