October has been creeping up on us scarily quick this year. It seemed to be mid-summer and suddenly I’m thinking about Blogtober preparation (and Halloween of course)

    For those of you that don’t know what I’m talking about, Blogtober is a challenge that involves blogging Autumn related content every day for the month of October – 31 posts in 31 days. If you think I’ve lost my mind by attempting this, then fair enough (I agree lol) but I’m ready for the challenge anyhow!

    I only started blogging in late June so I am a relatively new blogger, but I am doing as much as preparation and content scheduling as my time will allow me to succeed in Blogtober!

    I thought it would be helpful to create my own list of Blogtober post inspiration as I’ve seen other posts and I have found them to really help me! So here it is…

    1. 5 things I love about Autumn
    2. Autumn Bucket List
    3. Pumpkin Carving for Halloween
    4. Autumn Clothing Haul
    5. My Autumn Skincare
    6. My Favourite Autumn Photographs
    7. The Autumn Tag
    8. An Autumn Day Out
    9. My Favourite Autumn Decor
    10. Autumnal Baking Day
    11. DIY Autumn Crafts
    12. Autumn Stationary Wishlist
    13. Home Décor Wishlist
    14. Preparation for the Winter
    15. My Favourite Autumn Outfits
    16. Autumn playlist
    17. Candles of Autumn, favourite scents etc
    18. A Gift List
    19. How Bloggers Stay Organised
    20. A Book Review
    21. October Beauty Empties
    22. 5 Bag Must Haves
    23. Subscription Box Review
    24. How I Decorate My Work Space
    25. Favourite Autumn Holiday Destinations
    26. Autumnal Quotes
    27. Autumn Wedding Ideas
    28. Blog Ideas List (like this one!)
    29. Autumn/Halloween Make up Tutorial
    30. Halloween Outfit!
    31. A Blogtober Reflection

    I hope that this list gave you even a couple ideas if you are partaking in Blogtober this year! I will likely be using many of these when it comes to writing my posts this October. Thank you for reading <3

    autumn autumn outfits autumn wardrobe Baking beauty beauty blogger benefit blogger blogtober book blogger books clothing haul face mask fall fashion fashion blogger femme luxe blogger review femme luxe clothing femme luxe dress femme luxe review fiction foundation halloween halloween outfits Lifestyle lifestyle blog lifestyle blogger lush lush review lush skincare make up new blog pumpkin reader reading recipe review romance seasons skincare vegan vegan desserts what to do in lockdown what to do in self isolation young adult


    Lifestyle Blogger based in Devon.
    I like to write, drink tea and read great books.

    PR – admin@diagonalstripes.co.uk

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