• A Blogtober Reflection

    In today’s post I am writing to reflect on #Blogtober – the Autumn blogger challenge where you post every day throughout the month of October.

    I have really enjoyed writing everyday, and I feel I have become a better writer, but it was a big challenge and something I had to factor in every day. Before October, I don’t know what I did with all of my spare time, and it’s going to be so strange to go back to posting just twice a week!


    As I was posting everyday, I had more content for people to read so my views were inevitably going to go up. For the first time, I managed to achieve 1000 views in a month on my blog. This probably doesn’t seem very much to many people but this is a milestone for me so I am really pleased with with achievement.

    As for SEO, I haven’t worked as hard on this as I usually do it my posts – this is mainly because I didn’t have the hours in the day to put in for each post to be optimised by Google. In hindsight, I wish that I had been a bit more organised in regards to blog scheduling and marketing. When I’m blogging twice a week I usually do a lot more work in terms of SEO, keyword research and social media advertising for my posts.

    Meeting Bloggers

    I have come across some great blogs this Blogtober. So many talented writers have taken on this challenge and I’ve really enjoyed reading them and finding more about their lives. It’s also given me some ideas for my own posts in future so I’m really grateful for that.


    I hosted my first guest post this Blogtober which I hope to do more of. I love to read other bloggers style of writing so I can develop my writing even more.

    I’ve also been involved in more and more brand collaborations, and even taken on some freelance work (more of this to come soon) so October has been very busy for me – exciting times ahead!

    To conclude Blogtober, I would recommend any blogger to take on the challenge. I definitely surprised myself with how much work I put into it, and that I was able to take on such a big work load whilst doing my main job on top.

    The main piece of advice I would give is preparation. I wasn’t particularly prepared and I did underestimate how tricky it would be. I went on the basis of “wing it”, but I wouldn’t recommend this! If you really want to focus on SEO then blog scheduling is crucial.

    Being honest, writing every day wasn’t a chore because it’s something I love to do. If you love to write then you’ll definitely enjoy it and probably learn more about yourself and your writing abilities as well!

    If you’re considering one of these challenges, I’d say go for it!! There were times that I thought I might not complete it, on days where I was overtired and not as willing to write, and that’s okay. It’s a goal that you can push for in the future if you don’t manage to post everyday, but I’m so pleased I did!

    I hope you enjoyed this Blogtober post. If you participated in this challenge, let me know how you got on and any tips that made it easier for you. Come back tomorrow for my last Blogtober post – spoooooky!!


    Lifestyle Blogger based in Devon.
    I like to write, drink tea and read great books.

    PR – admin@diagonalstripes.co.uk


    1. October 30, 2019 / 6:23 pm

      Lovely and honest post. I have found Blogtober has changed my attitude to blogging. I had fallen out of love with it quite a bit and am now smitten again. Like you my pageviews have gone up. I have “cheated” with guest posts on occasion and not done every day either but rules are made to be broken and overall I am really pleased to have taken part. One big win is finding new blogs to read which is what I used to love about blogging when I started about a decade ago now. #Blogtober19

    2. October 30, 2019 / 7:39 pm

      It sounds like Blogtober has been great for you! Well done with the page views! I have really enjoyed your blog posts this month and you’ll have me following and reading for the rest of the year! x

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