• HALLOWEEN 2020: Beautiful & Quirky Pumpkin Designs

    Happy Halloween everybody! I hope you’re feeling spoooky, and ready for November. This is my last post for #Blogtober – it’s been a challenge, but I’ve loved it. (read my experience here)

    As it’s Halloween I had to do something based on pumpkins, of course! As I’m not a talented ‘carver’ I thought I wouldn’t embarrass myself by sharing my attempt at designs.

    Instead, I’ve shared my favourites from those that are actually amazingly artistic. One day I hope to get to this level, but it’s pretty unlikely if we’re all being honest…

    Such a gorgeous design posted by nectarandbumble. I love how intricate they’ve managed to do this bee with the flowers all around. I don’t want to think about how long this would’ve taken them!

    I stumbled across this Gilmore Girls pumpkin pretty much by mistake, I would never have thought to carve a pumpkin based on Luke’s Diner but I wish I did have the imagination! I love the dialogue and wit through out Gilmore Girls, I did a post about my fave bits here if you’ve never watched it (you should)

    I had to include this little bulldog, super cute! I’d love to have a pumpkin carved out of my cat but I doubt he’d sit still long enough for anyone to draw his face.

    As Halloween is meant to be scary, I thought I’d actually incorporate a little bit of actual grossness. This is a smaller pumpkin inside of a larger one to get that layered effect. It’s so effective and the paintwork is just amazing – I’d love to be this talented of an artist.

    I had to include a cute little quote, it makes a lovely decoration. I know this is a very American saying and because I’m English we don’t call it “fall”, but “it’s autumn, ya’ll” doesn’t really have the same ring to it…

    Obligatory horror movie pumpkin.

    I’ve mentioned it enough already but I LOVE anything Alice In Wonderland inspired and the video does it so much more justice than just a photo. It’s so beautiful!

    Last but not least I had to include a little book. I’m getting back into my books again recently which I’m so pleased about, and I know that many people who read my posts are also avid readers.

    I hope you enjoyed this post on some fab pumpkin designs! That concludes the Blogtober challenge for the year. I’m so pleased that I managed to complete it and post every day for the 31 days of October. I’m so grateful for so many people that have read and commented on my posts – I’ve had so much support and gained many more readers. So thank you! <3

    I will be back to posting twice a week for the rest of the year now. Happy November!


    Lifestyle Blogger based in Devon.
    I like to write, drink tea and read great books.

    PR – admin@diagonalstripes.co.uk

    1 Comment

    1. November 1, 2019 / 11:58 am

      Wow these are amazing. There are some very talented people out there.

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