I’ve seen many bloggers complete the Blogger Tag this #Blogtober so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon. I haven’t actually been nominated but I’m doing it anyway! Bite me.

    Here are my answers…

    Question 1: How tall are you?
    I am 5’2. And three quarters. It’s a struggle to find trousers that aren’t too long for me. I am what old customers at work describe as, “petite”

    Question 2: Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what?
    I don’t think I have any. I asked my boyfriend and he said baking…

    Question 3: What’s your biggest blog-related pet peeve?
    Probably big blocks of text with no images or spacing – it’s so horrible to read!

    Question 4: What’s your biggest non-blog related pet peeve?
    Arrogant people that think they’re better than everyone else. Grrr

    Question 5: What’s your favourite song?
    At the moment I’m listening to I Don’t Care – Justin Bieber & Ed Sheeran

    Question 6: What’s your favourite social media website?
    I’d say Twitter because I feel a bit more incognito on there! I also love to stalk and see what people think on certain TV programmes – I often put hashtags in the search and see what people’s opinions are.

    Question 7: What’s your favourite way to spend your free time when you’re alone?
    I try to write when I’m on my own as I like to sit in silence and totally focus. When my boyfriend gets home he likes to have background TV on which really distracts me so I try and get all my blogging done in my alone time. It doesn’t always happen, though.

    Question 8: What’s your favourite junk food?
    Biscuits or crisps, I’m terrible with portion control! I recently found out I can eat Bourbon creams as they don’t contain milk & I end up eating far too many at once.

    Question 9: Do you have a pet or pets? If so, what kind and what are their names?
    I have one cat called Pogo. He is actually my boyfriend’s cat but now we’ve lived together for a couple of years I’ve pretty much taken him on as my own. He’s a 6 year-old ginger tabby.

    Question 10: What are your number one favourite non-fiction and fiction books?
    I’m currently reading “Strictly Between Us” by Jane Fallon which I am really enjoying.
    As for non-fiction, I like to read autobiographies. The last one I read was Michael Mcintyre’s and it was surprisingly emotional.

    Question 11: What’s your favourite beauty product or tool?
    I am so indecisive and change my mind all the time. My favourite at the moment is Roller Lash mascara from Benefit (read my faves here).

    Question 12: When were you last embarrassed? What happened?
    A few days ago I threw a mug of hot water all over the floor with a queue of customers watching me. I completely misjudged the side, it was pretty embarrassing. I’m quite a clumsy individual though and stuff like this happens to me quite a lot!

    Question 13: If you could only drink one beverage (besides water) for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    Diet Coke or Orange & Passion fruit j2o. Preferably the glittery one you get at Christmas.

    Question 14: What’s your favourite movie?
    Ahhh that’s so hard. I am such a softie and like anything a bit soppy & romantic. I love The Holiday with Jude Law (mmm) & The Notebook.

    Question 15: What was your favourite lesson in school and why?
    I loved Drama but I wasn’t very good at it. Other than that I loved English and went to study Language & Literature at A-Level which I really enjoyed.

    Question 16: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
    I love the UK (other than the flippin’ politics) and I wouldn’t change where I live in Devon for the world. I do wish there was a bit more going on down here though in regards to theatre and music events.

    Question 17: PC or Mac?
    I’m a PC gal, I can’t justify buying a Mac at the price they’re going for!

    Question 18: Last romantic gesture from a crush, date, boy/girlfriend, spouse? (or kind gesture from a friend)
    My boyfriend woke me up this morning with a cup of tea. It was cute.

    Question 19: Favourite celebrity?
    That’s so hard! Does Prince Harry count?

    Question 20: What blogger do you secretly want to be best friends with?
    Olivia from whatoliviadid.com – her blog is amazing.

    Question 21: Who is your biggest inspiration?
    My family. They’ve been through so much but are still so strong & I’d love to know how they get their strength.

    Question 22: What is your favourite blog to read?
    I have a lot of blogs that I go through, I can’t choose one!

    Question 23: What is your favourite high street shop?
    It changes so often. At the moment my favourites are Cath Kidston and Debenhams – they’ve both got fab sales on! I also love Waterstones and John Lewis (staff discount whoop)

    Just me appreciating a massive leaf I saw at Kew Gardens.

    Question 24: Are you in education or do you work?
    I currently work mornings part time and then do my blog in the afternoons. I’d love to do a course one day at university alongside that.

    Question 25: One thing you are proud of?
    How much my mental health has improved this year. I am like a different person to the girl I was in January and I’m so proud of that.

    That concludes this blogger tag, I hope you enjoyed reading some more bits about me whether you’re interested or just plain nosey!


    Lifestyle Blogger based in Devon.
    I like to write, drink tea and read great books.

    PR – admin@diagonalstripes.co.uk


    1. October 27, 2019 / 8:12 pm

      How wonderful to learn more about you!

    2. October 27, 2019 / 11:42 pm

      Lovely insight into you and your interests. I love writing and the theatre too and have had my mental health struggles on and off throughout life. I think most people do if only they would be honest about it. You sound a very lovely person #Blogtober19

    3. October 28, 2019 / 7:41 pm

      I live reading these tags it’s a great way to get to know u more. #blogtober

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