• Lockdown Activities To Help You Get Creative

    According to a study conducted by the University of Glasgow, doing something creative like art or making music help improve emotional well-being to an extent that other hobbies don’t. Creating beautiful pieces, whatever they may be, are not only great for self satisfaction and to reduce stress, but also to enhance brain productivity & hand to eye coordination.

    I have always enjoyed anything creative as a child and this has followed me all the way through to adulthood – I’m always doing something! So whether you’re an experienced crafter or a total beginner, you’ll find a plethora of lockdown activities to help you get creative in this blog post.


    canon lockdown activities

    Photography is one of the best lockdown activities – not only does it get you out and about to exercise, but it’s a great way to express yourself while relieving stress. I personally love to capture moments that you can look back on in years to come and remember exactly what your day was like… one of the many reasons why this hobby is so popular!

    Write A Letter Or Story

    letter lockdown activities

    I have a penpal over in the USA and I love writing letters to him, it excites me to think that my friend, who is thousands of miles away, will be reading a letter I physically wrote in just a just a few days.

    If a PenPal is not really your thing, why not write a story? The thought of this sounded quite daunting to me at first, but if you want to get your creativity flowing you can write a short story in just a few pages.

    Try A New Recipe

    baking lockdown activities

    Don’t you just love that feeling of eating something delicious and knowing you made it from scratch? Baking is the perfect lockdown activity as you don’t even need to leave your house to get all of your creative senses flowing. Why not try out my favourite chewy ginger cookies?

    Design Some Wall Art

    wall art lockdown activities

    If you’re feeling particularly artistic then you could get your pens out and draw something to go up on the wall. I’m not the best at drawing so I prefer to do it digitally and print out my creation for a more professional finish. My favourite thing to create at the moment are posters with quotes on from my favourite songs or movies – there are some great tattoo fonts online that would look great on wall art and are really simple to add to your own designs.

    Upcycle Furniture

    I have only recently got in to upcycling my furniture but now I’ve started I can’t stop! It’s surprisingly inexpensive to create beautiful furniture from something that once may have looked quite tatty, and you can’t beat the self satisfaction you get once you have finished a project.

    Plant Something


    This is a brilliant choice if you’re looking for lockdown activities that children can help you out with as you’re enjoying the great outdoors whilst still being in the comfort of your own home. Now that the warmer months are coming, what better time to put your wellies on and get out in the garden?

    Solve A Problem

    Granted, “solve a problem” does sound quite vague as far as lockdown activities go, but that’s kind of the point as you can be as big or as small as you feel like. You could go super in depth and do a load of research in something you feel really passionate about solving. Or, if you’re looking for a shorter activity, you could solve a word search or sudoku. Any of these activities are still keeping your brain active and increasing concentration.

    learning scrabble letters

    So, have you felt inspired to try out any of these lockdown activities? Let me know in the comments below if you have enjoyed any of these hobbies during lockdown!

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    Lifestyle Blogger based in Devon.
    I like to write, drink tea and read great books.

    PR – admin@diagonalstripes.co.uk

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